Last Month's Newsletter

  Last Month's Newsletter  
Trained in Righteousness

Pastor Schopp

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.  All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:14-17)

The past few weeks since I was installed have flown by.  We closed on our house last week and moved in over the weekend.  There is much to do yet, but my family and I are getting settled in both at home and with our new church families.

You have no doubt noticed some changes both in how I conduct the services and how I teach.  There will be more changes ahead, certainly, but nothing to be concerned about.  My goal, as your pastor, is to train you to be “intentionally Lutheran”.  Often we don’t notice the details in our lives because they have always been there, a constant background noise that we don’t even hear anymore.  But there is no such thing as being too educated in the true faith and sound practice.  So one of the things you can expect is more classes on a variety of topics, including the Lord’s Supper, the liturgy, Christian Burial and of course, in-depth studies on various books of the Bible.  There will be specific classes for the altar guild, the elders and others, to help them perform their service in a thoughtful way, upholding our Confessional standards in what we do for our congregation and our neighbor.

This is nothing new really.  This is what every Christian should desire and what every pastor should undertake in his care of the flock.  St. Paul encouraged the young pastor Timothy to, “continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings” (v.14).  From “childhood” Timothy was brought up in the faith and prepared for service to both God and neighbor.  He wasn’t trained with worldly managerial techniques, nor with faddish spiritual practices.  He was trained with the Scriptures, which are “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (v.16).  He learned from his mother and other older Christians on how to live a godly life and what traps to avoid in our sinful world.  He ultimately became a pastor that Paul could depend upon to handle the most difficult situations and became his “go-to guy” to address congregational problems in many cities.

That is the outcome that we seek, to be “equipped for every good work.” (v.17)  Having been washed and renewed by the Holy Spirit, we want to serve both God and our neighbor, to live holy lives that honor Christ.  This means examining ourselves, becoming aware of our weaknesses, and seeking out ways to better serve others.  Good works are the fruit of our faith and we ought to keep the tree nourished so that it will bear such fruit.  So please consider coming to the various Bible Studies and classes in the months ahead.  Rearrange your schedules and make it a normal part of your weekly routine, that you may be made “wise for salvation”, empowered to follow and serve Jesus our Lord.
All Saints Day – Let us remember with thanksgiving those who have gone before us with the sign of faith; for they were created by God to offer Him praise and thanksgiving forever, and He gave them new life through His Son in Holy Baptism, and nourished them in the company of His people at His Holy Table, and in His mercy has summoned them to His nearer presence so that they may continue in joyful service of Him forever. We remember – Mamie Stugelmeyer, Beverly Kolb-Wochnick, Vicki Jerde, Doris Yeske-Krage, and Erling Podoll.

        Our Savior
November Birthdays  
  1  Cassie McKown              18  Evonne Hopfinger          
  2  Maurine Bierman            18  Hallie McKown
  4  Wally Rutschke               19  Larry Grieben     
  6  Avery Lee                        19  Paula Grieben
  6  Jacob Lee                         20  Rachel Hoops
  8  Trisha Rausch                  22  Betty Meints
  9  Ronda Flynn                    23  Tyler Thone
13  Donna Erdmann              29  Patty Wiedmeier
14  Lorraine Krage      
           4  Brandon & Andrea Christianson
           7  Dan & Kaitlyn Wolf
         16  Tim & Kim Medenwald   
         24  Bob & Trisha Rausch

Our Savior Meetings in November
LWML – Mon. Nov. 4th at 3:30 pm
Nursery Circle – Sun. Nov. 10th after the service
Altar Guild – Tues. Nov. 12th at 6:30 pm
Elders – Thur. Nov. 14th at 5:15 pm
Council – Thur. Nov. 14th at 6:30 pm
Board of Education – Sun. Nov. 17th after the service
Elders for November: Russ Brandt & Brandon Christianson

Acolyte Schedule:
Nov. 3 – Cashlyn Angerhofer & Grace Rausch
Nov. 10 – Tristan Tschappat & Ella Brick
Nov. 17 – Teigan McKown & Caleb Siebert
Nov. 24 – Tucker Brick & Rhyan Johnson

Coffee & Confessions – Join us Tuesday mornings at 6:30 am to learn about the Lutheran Confessions, from the Book of Concord. All are welcome!

Midweek Vespers – Join us for a short service of Vespers (LSB 229) on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm at Our Savior. 

Wednesday Bible Study – 6:30 pm at Our Savior. We are currently reading 1 Samuel. Everyone is welcome!

Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 am on Sunday, November 3rd, so don’t forget to move your clocks back one hour on Saturday night!

Aberdeen Circuit Reformation Hymn Festival – Friday, November 1st at 6:30pm at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Aberdeen:  The Aberdeen circuit will be celebrating our Hymnody, a great treasure of the reformation. We will be singing various hymns like “A Mighty Fortress” and “Wake, Awake for Night is Flying” along with several others. After the festival, we will have a pie social.
Our visiting organist, Rev. Tyler Poppen, is an accomplished organist. Rev. Poppen has been an active church organist for almost 20 years. He played organ with the South Dakota State University Symphony, has been the featured organist for festival services and numerous hymn festivals, and has a passion for passing on the organ to the next generation of church organists. He served as Pastor in our beloved South Dakota District LCMS as well as right here in our Aberdeen Circuit. Rev. Poppen and his wife Katie have four children. They make their home in Cole Camp, Missouri, where he serves as Pastor of St. John's and Holy Cross Lutheran Churches.
Join Us! Bring your voices and we will sing about our wonderful treasure and heritage!
Family Game Night – All are welcome to game night on Friday, Nov. 8th at 6:00-9:00 pm at Our Savior. Bring your favorite game and a snack to share. The Board of Social Ministry & Evangelism will provide hot cocoa, tea, lemonade, and popcorn. 
Saturday Bible Study – Nov. 9th from 9:00-11:00 am at Our Savior. The topic will be “The Riches of Advent.”
The season of Advent, where we anticipate our Lord’s coming, is arguably the richest season of the church year in its varied themes. This study will look at Advent liturgically, beginning with the traditional Sunday lessons for the season. We shall incorporate liturgical Advent symbols to increase our appreciation of the depth of the scriptural presentation of Christ’s threefold coming.
The Senior Potluck will be at noon on Tuesday, November 12th at Our Savior.  Join us for good food and friendship!
Thanksgiving Services will be at Our Savior on Wednesday, November 27th at 6:30 pm, and at St. John’s on Thursday, November 28th at 8:15 am.
There will be a Thanksgiving Dinner at Our Savior on Thursday at noon for members of both congregations. Thrivent Action Team funds will be used to purchase the meal. There will be sign-up sheets at both churches so that we know how much food to order. We do need help with organization, set-up and clean-up, and possibly picking up the food. If you can help, please call the church at 605-225-7106 or email Thank you!

Advent – The first Sunday of Advent is December 1st. There will be three mid-week Advent services at Our Savior (for both congregations), beginning on Wednesday, December 4th at 6:30 pm.

Sunday School Christmas Program Practice – Starting December 1st, Sunday School will begin at 9:00 am instead of 9:30 to allow time for practicing the Christmas Program. This will continue through December 15th. The Christmas program will be on Sunday, December 15th at 4:00 pm, with a potluck afterward.

Our Savior Tree Decorating – We will meet to decorate the church for Advent/Christmas on Wednesday, December 4th at 5:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Any helping hands will be appreciated!

LWML Christmas Stocking Ingathering at Our Savior will be Sunday, December 1st.  Christmas stockings with a verse are located in a small box on a table in the narthex.  Please take one and bring to church on December 1st and place in the basket at the front of the church during the first hymn.  The money will be used for missions.  Anyone is welcome to participate.  Thank you for your donation!

The LWML Christmas Party will be at The Flame on Thursday, December 5th at 5:30 pm.  Please bring a $10 gift to exchange. There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex.

Building Healthy Families: Trauma, emotional distress, or mental illness negatively impact many people, including those within our church fellowship today. When it does, we are often left searching for answers without knowing where to find help, especially help that will share and incorporate the important tenants of our Lutheran Christian faith. Lutheran Family Service offers professional mental health counseling with master’s prepared and licensed therapists who share your faith and world view, now available to all regardless of location through telehealth. Call us…it’s why we’re here!
Lutheran Family Service

Inclement Weather Policy – Whenever a no travel advisory is in effect, all church activities will be canceled. On weekdays, if public school has been called off due to weather, then all church activities will be canceled also. On Sundays, Pastor and the church leadership will make the determination. Check announcements at Hub City Radio or Closeline. (KELO doesn’t put church announcements on TV, so you would have to check their website.) Cancellations will also be posted on our Facebook page, and the church’s telephone greeting will be changed to tell you if the service is called off.

Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival – Valparaiso University in Indiana hosts a Lutheran music camp every summer for students in grades 8-12. Learn from nationally renowned faculty and play or sing in choir, orchestra, band, musical theater, jazz, or handbells. Take part in music, community, and faith. LSM is coming up June 22—July 20, 2025. The cost is $2,795 for a full session (four weeks) or $1,995 for a half session (two weeks), plus an application fee. Costs include all meals, activities, instruction, and housing. Financial aid is available. LSM offers matching grants, scholarships, and can even help you fundraise in your community. For more information, go to
Call (612) 879-9555 ext. 2
Text (612) 879-9555

St. John’s – Columbia
 Birthdays                              Anniversary
   9  Val Eichler                      29  Josh & Desa Larson
 10  Phyllis Yeske                
 11  Barb Miller
 15  Mark Christianson
 25  Rhory Podoll
 27  Tony Bisbee

 Usher List
 Nov. 3       Roger & Sharon Zastrow
 Nov. 10     Tony & Amanda Bisbee    
 Nov. 17     Lyle & Cathi Podoll
 Nov. 24     Brent & Barb Miller 
 Dec. 1        Josh & Desa Larson
 Dec. 8        John Bisbee & Lucas Daggett       
 Dec. 15     Karl & Val Eichler
 Dec. 22     Mike & Molly Ringgenberg
 Dec. 29     Mic & Jen Daggett
Our Savior Lutheran Church
624 North Jay Street – Aberdeen, SD 57401

St. John’s Lutheran Church
23 North James Street – Columbia, SD 57433

Phone 605-225-7106, Email
Rev. Chad Schopp – Cell # 605-380-2545
Rev. Alan Ludwig – Cell # 509-540-9083

Click on the "Calendar" tab on the website to see the November Calendar.