MARCH 2025
Lenten Discipline
Pastor Schopp
Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end. As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” (Hebrews 3:12-15)
Routines are not bad. They enable us to be productive because we know what to do and when to do it. Not only do we use our time more effectively, we don’t waste time flopping about trying to figure out what to do. Some routines we should strive to maintain, like working out, reading the Bible and going to church. Other routines we should actively try to break, because they trap us into doing less-than-ideal things again and again. Yes, sin is habit forming.
Most people do not suddenly wake up one day and say “I’m not going to church ever again.” It starts small, by skipping church here and there, by deciding Bible Study is not important, by ignoring the invitations to fellowship events amongst our brothers and sisters. Pretty soon, a new routine has developed, a bad habit, in which we no longer prioritize God’s Word and Sacraments. Before we know it, it has been four weeks since we’ve been in church, then four months, then four years. We didn’t make a conscious decision to leave the church… but we did it anyway.
Ash Wednesday is upon us, the start of the Lenten season, a season of repentance and self-discipline. We ought to examine ourselves, not using the yardstick of society nor even our own imagination, but using the mirror of God’s Law. And we find we are not just lacking, but far more rebellious than we could have guessed. It’s like finding that obnoxiously large weed in your yard: How could it have grown right there, in plain view, without me noticing it?
Lent is a time for discipline. Perhaps you intend to fast, to give up something, which is not bad if done for the right reason (that is, not to brag about it on social media). But you could also add something to your routine this Lent. You could pray a psalm each morning and evening. You could attend Bible Study each week. You could go back to church, even if it has been months or years and you feel awkward because it has been so long. Now is always the perfect time to repent, to ask God for forgiveness for our fickle nature, our petty disagreements, our lack of love for one another. Now is always the perfect time to return to the Lord, because He wants you to come near, to receive His gifts and blessing. Christ Jesus is calling you to return. Hear His voice and rejoice. Rejoice that sinners like us are welcome at His table.
Press Release
The 63rd Convention of the LC—MS, South Dakota District
February 16-18, 2025
The 63rd Convention of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, South Dakota District was held at the Sioux Falls Convention Center February 16-18. Delegates from 105 congregations across South Dakota gathered to conduct the business of the church and to be encouraged by the Word of the God and the fellowship they share, under the theme based on Romans 1:16-17, “God’s Gospel, Salvation Power.”
The convention was visited by Synod President, Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, who brought greetings from the Synod and provided updates on work being done Nationally and Internationally to support the ministry of the Gospel. Convention Essayist, Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Oschwald of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, reflected on the significance of the theme verses for ministry and the life of faith.
Rev. Dr. Scott Sailer, District President, convened the convention as he concludes ten years in office. He has elected not to seek another term as President, entering retirement. In his report Rev. Dr. Sailer thanked the District for their partnership in ministry as he reviewed the many highlights of his term in office, including pioneering partnerships with Lutheran Family Service offering mental health and adoption services in South Dakota, ministry responses to the COVID pandemic, and continued growth of ministries such as Sioux Falls Lutheran School. The convention thanked President Sailer for his many years of service, both as President and Pastor in the District, and conferred upon him the title of “President Emeritus of the South Dakota District.”
The Convention selected Rev. Randy Sturzenbecher of Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church, Black Hawk, South Dakota, to succeed Rev. Dr. Sailer as District President. Rev. Sturzenbecher had previously served as First Vice President of the District and Circuit Visitor for the Black Hills Circuit. Rev. Matthew Wurm, Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Brookings, was elected First Vice President and Rev. Corey Aker, Faith Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, was chosen as Second Vice President, both serving their first terms in these offices. Also new to the District Board of Directors is Mr. David Bogenhagen, Trinity Lutheran Church, White Lake, serving as Lay Member At Large. Re-elected to the Board of Directors were Rev. Thomas Brown, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Spearfish, as Secretary; Mr. Doug Klipfel, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Aberdeen, as Lay Member at Large; and Mr. Kent Harnisch, Resurrection Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, as Treasurer.
Delegates considered a number of resolutions to the convention regarding mission, ministry and the work of the District. Voters approved amendments to the District Bylaws and affirmed continued support for missionaries Rev. Jordon Andreasen (Romania), Rev. Samuel Bobby (Latvia), Rev. Jonah Domenichelli (Germany), and Rev. Daniel Jastram (Southeast Asia). The Convention voted to continue to move forward with the Mission and Ministry Council to support and direct ministry resources for the congregations and workers of the District. Delegates also voted to continue the partnership with Lutheran Family Service (Iowa). Since it’s inception in 2019 the partnership with Lutheran Family Service has grown to include adoption services, in-person counseling centers in Sioux Falls, Deadwood, and Black Hawk, and tele-health services across the state. Other matters approved by the convention include efforts to promote adoption, denounce racism, enhance recruitment of students into church work programs, and develop a strategic plan for church worker health.
Throughout the convention, delegates received greetings and information from several partner organizations and institutions. Numerous individuals, special ministries, and organizations were recognized with thanksgiving for their work in sharing the Gospel.
The District wishes to thank everyone who attended the 2025 convention and extends the invitation to join us at our next convention in 2028, dates and location to be determined.
SD District LCMS | 3501 S Gateway Blvd | Sioux Falls, SD 57106 US
Our Savior March Birthdays
2 Lexi Pietz 17 Sandra Grieben
3 Logan Rausch 19 Douglas Klipfel
3 Megan Thone 19 Patricia Ludwig
5 Brandon Christianson 20 Lois Abel
5 Scott Healy 21 Kaitlyn Haar
8 Sara Scepaniak 24 Hadley Haar
9 Stuart Nelson 28 Brad Wilson
10 Scott Mayer 29 Karon Kurtz
11 Benjamin Andreasen 29 Todd Severson
12 Brendan Tschappat 29 Dale Thone
12 Tami Schopp
7 Kelly & Cheryl Pietz
12 Justin & Anna Hofer
17 Waldemar & Frances Rutschke
Our Savior Meetings in March
LWML – Mon. Mar. 3rd at 3:30 pm
Board of Elders – Thur. Mar. 13th at 5:15 pm
Church Council – Thur. Mar. 13th at 6:30 pm
Board of Education – Sun. Mar. 16th at 12:00 pm
Dual Parish Leadership – Thur. Mar. 27th at 6:00 pm
Elders for March – Russ Brandt, Brandon Christianson
Ushers for March – Doug Klipfel, David Johnson
Acolyte Schedule:
March 2 – Dalton Lee & Grace Rausch
March 9 – Ella Brick & Tucker Brick
March 16 – Cashlyn Angerhofer & Tristan Tschappat
March 23 – Teigan McKown & Cassie McKown
March 30 – Caleb Siebert & Rhyan Johnson
Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 9
th at 2:00 am. Don’t forget to move your clocks
forward one hour on Saturday night!
Easter Lilies – Order forms for lilies to beautify our sanctuaries for Easter and to remind us of Christ’s resurrection will be in the Sunday bulletins later in March. The cost is $13 per lily. The list of lilies given in honor or memory of someone will be in the Easter Sunday bulletins, and you can take your lilies home after the Easter services.
Midweek Lenten Services for both congregations will be combined at Our Savior beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 5
th, at 6:30 pm, preceded by a light meal beginning at 5:30 pm. There will be Communion on Ash Wednesday only. Catechism class will continue to meet at 5:00 pm, and will have time for supper between class and the service. The groups serving Lent suppers are below:
March 5 – Youth Group
12 – Board of Education
19 – Nursery Circle
26 – Board of Evangelism/Social Ministry and
Board of Public Relations
April 2 – Potluck
9 – Our Savior LWML
The Senior Potluck will be Tuesday, March 11
th at noon at Our Savior. Join us for good food and fellowship!
Saturday Bible Study – March 15
th 9:00-11:00 am at Our Savior. The topic is yet to be determined from the survey in the Sunday bulletins.
"In-House" Bible Bowl for both congregations will be on Sunday, March 23
rd at noon after the service at Our Savior. Gather a team of 3-4 people and sign-up in the narthex with a "team name". The topics are the Gospel of John, Psalm 22, and the Sacraments. Be prepared for multiple choice, fill in the blank, and question/answer format. If you have any questions about Bible Bowl, contact Eric Johnson 605-216-6701.
Youth Bible Bowl – Our youth 6
th grade and up are taking part in the SD District Bible Bowl on Saturday, March 29
th at Faith Lutheran Church in Pierre, SD. Their Bible and Catechism knowledge will be tested as they compete against other teams to answer questions.
Food Drive – The Board of Social Ministry & Evangelism at Our Savior will hold a food and household necessities drive from March 1
st until Easter, to benefit the Journey Home of Aberdeen. Needed items are: for the food pantry – peanut butter, cereal, tuna, coffee, canned veggies; and household items – toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, garbage bags, shampoo & conditioner, soap/body wash. Place items on the table along the south wall of the fellowship hall. Thank you!
2025 LWML SD District Spring Retreat
"Living God's Praise"
Let me live that I may praise you (Psalm 119:175a NIV).
Cedar Shore Resort, Oacoma, SD
April 25–26, 2025
Registration deadline: April 1st
LWML 2025 Convention
“Growing in God’s Grace”
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (2 Peter 3:18).
June 26-29, 2025
CHI Health Center,
455 N 10th St, Omaha, NE, 68102
Registration opens March 1st.
Registration fee goes up starting on May 1st.
Camp Minniboji
Sunday, June 15 to Saturday, June 21, 2025
“Hidden and Revealed”
Theme verse: 1 Corinthians 3:7
Minneboji is a 7-day/6-night Christian summer camp program for 4th-8th graders that has been enriching lives since 1949. Led by pastoral and lay volunteers from the South Dakota district of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Minneboji takes place at the beautiful lakeside facilities of Camp Okoboji – LCMS in Milford, Iowa. The structured week includes large group Bible study, small group Cabin study, music, crafts, games and outdoor activities including swimming and boating as well as evening entertainment. Campers also have daily free periods, when they can simply enjoy God’s creation and reconnect with friends old and new.
*PLEASE NOTE: We filled every available space last year and had a waiting list. In order to guarantee that we have enough counselors to make camp the best possible experience for your camper: REGISTRATION CLOSES MAY 1, 2025, OR WHEN CAMP IS FULL!
St. John’s - Columbia
March Birthdays Anniversary
8 Penni Hanna 1 Joel & JoLynn Podoll
12 Scott Meints
13 Joel Podoll
18 Tucker Hermans
22 Zachary Daggett
23 Anna Bisbee
30 Debra Dell
St. John’s Usher List
March 2 Mike & Molly Ringgenberg
March 9 Karl & Val Eichler
March 16 Jack & Jennifer Hieb
March 23 Mic & Jen Daggett
March 30 Ray & Cyndy Larson
Dual Parish Leadership will meet at Our Savior on Thursday, March 27th at 6:00 pm.
LCMS Stewardship Ministry – Matthew 6:19–21 – “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” What more is there to say about stewardship beyond this? These are the words of our Lord Jesus, and we would do well to heed them, for they flow from His heart of love.
Thrivent Choice Dollars® are charitable grant funds that can make a meaningful impact. As a part of a client’s membership at Thrivent, members are allotted Choice Dollars to distribute to non-profits of their choice within the Thrivent catalogue. Our Savior and St. John’s Lutheran Churches are both included. 2024 Choice Dollars must be allocated by March 31
st, 2025. Go to or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent Choice” after the prompt. Or you can also call the local Thrivent office at 605-725-2025.